CSR: Time for Society’s Return on investment

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) goes by many names: corporate ethics, triple bottom line, corporate sustainability, corporate accountability etc. The difficulty is not what to call it; rather that, in most cases, companies emphasize CSR as marketing and public relations rather than investment in healthy societies. This paper will make the case that CSR driven by …

Composte image, $100 note as mask

Coming back to life after COVID-19

Author: Michael Bloomfield As Covid-19 recedes will we resume life as before or create a fairer, more compassionate and self-sufficient society. That struggle has begun with globalization promoters touting great economic opportunities as 5G arrives and consumerism re-ignites around the world. Globalization has somewhat reduced poverty and improved education and healthcare in developing countries but at …

2lst Century Seer

Working outside of the box can change the world! Over the past 40 years I have campaigned for a more humane, peaceful and environmentally responsible world. While there has been some progress greed and shortsightedness have brought us to this moment of reckoning where every biological system is in decline and tribalism is on the …

Strengthening Canadian Charities (Part 2)

— What Can Individuals Do to Better Support Charities? Lanlin Bu, Michael Bloomfield, and Adrian Southin Knowledge is power. Tell your friends and colleagues about the problems highlighted in our recent paper “Unleashing the Power of Canadian Charities”, and encourage government and corporations to remedy those problems. At the same time, we can all take actions …

Strengthening Canadian Charities (Part 1)

— What Can Governments Do to Better Support Charities?  Lanlin Bu, Michael Bloomfield, and Adrian Southin Charities are essential partners in Canadian society, working to relieve poverty, safeguard our environment and health, assist children, seniors and others in need, and provide cultural, educational social and other valuable services. Given that they contribute $35.6 billion 1 to …

CSR: Society’s Return on Investment?

Lanlin Bu and Michael Bloomfieldwith research and writing assistance from Adrian Southin Corporate social responsibility (CSR) runs the gamut from self-aggrandizement to crisis management to with the occasional act of generosity. Society deserves better! Tax payers invest heavily in business, providing research and development grants, tax breaks, transportation facilities and many other subsidies including cleaning up the environmental messes …

Harmony Sends Kenyan Advocate for Youth with Disabilities to UNEA

My name is John Michael Orimbo. Thanks to the Harmony Foundation of Canada I had the opportunity to attend the 2nd UN Environment Assembly (UNEA2) in Nairobi from May 19-27 2016, where I made some remarkable achievements advocating for children and youth with disabilities. During UNEA2 I addressed my concerns with Representatives from Member-States, Major Groups …

Victoria’s Urban Forest: Asset or Liability?

In Victoria Foundation’s 2014 Vital Signs report, Victorians ranked the natural environment as the best part of living in the city and with good reason. However, while Victoria’s urban forest is a substantial natural asset, it’s largely taken for granted. Beyond their aesthetic value, Victoria’s street trees lower stress, increase community pride and social well-being, sequester 110,000 …

Articulating a Sensible Energy Strategy for Canada

When it comes to energy resource development in Canada, the two views most often heard are maximalist positions, one arguing that there is an economic imperative to pursue development, with social and environmental impacts as the price for progress, and the other saying that we develop fossil fuels at our peril, they must be left …